Monday, March 30, 2015

Rebecca's Doll hair care #1-finger styling for dolls with very curly hair

Rebecca: hello everyone! My name is Rebecca and I would like to welcome you to the very first post of my new series, Rebecca's doll hair care! Today Lacey and I will be showing you how to finger style very curly hair.
Lacey: This is a good method for styling My American Girl #44, #26,#46, Cecile, and #58's ( me) hair.
Rebecca: All you need to finger style is a misting bottle. It is important that you never use a brush or pick on this type of hair.
                       Rebecca: First, lightly mist your doll's hair with water. 
                       Lacey: Be careful not to get any water in your doll's eyes.
Rebecca: Once you have misted the curls, gently twist each curl.
Rebecca: do this around your doll's entire head.
Rebecca: when your done, you can use ribbons to make two ponytails if you'd like.
They sorta look like cute little bouquets of curls! :)
                                                          Rebecca: And you're done! Thank you for reading! :)                                                                 Lacey and Rebecca: Bye!!!! :)
A note from Jo:
While very curly hair may look a bit intimidating, it's very easy to care for and style. 
I'd love to hear any questions you may have about doll hair!
Also, are there any hair styles you would like me to show?




Thursday, March 26, 2015

Lacey in Kit's Chicken Keeping outfit

Don't tell Kit, but Lacey thinks this outfit was really made for her.  I think it is perfect for an Easter egg hunt, don't you? :)

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Grace and Kit play in the snow :)

Are you excited for spring? I sure am! As much as I love snow,  I can't wait for nice weather, so I can go outside and take some more pictures. Grace and Kit are still enjoying the snow though: